About us

The Latin American Society of Acarology (SLA) welcomes you to its website, a space for interaction of the community of acarologists from Latin America and the Caribbean Islands, as well as for the promotion of scientific research, teaching and dissemination of the knowledge of mites in our region and throughout the world.


21 de julio de 1994, Columbus Ohio, USA

The SLA emerged as a dream of young Latin American acarologists, on July 21, 1994, during the IX International Congress of Acarology in Columbus, Ohio, USA. After much effort, on September 28, 2001, in Mexico City, D.F, the Constitution and Statutes of the SLA were legally formalized under Mexican law. In this way, the SLA was constituted in a civil, non-profit association, which currently has more than 300 members from 24 countries.
During the growth of this Society, two International Acarology Congresses (ICA) have been held –IX ICA, Mérida, Mexico (2002) and XIII ICA, Recife, Brazil (2010) -, as well as three Latin American Acarology Congresses (CLAc) – I CLAc, Puebla, Mexico (2012); II CLAc, Quindío, Colombia (2016) and III CLAc, Piriapolis, Brazil (2018).
More recently, in times of the Covid 19 pandemic, where academic activity and realization of face-to-face events were suspended, we are committed to continuing to grow. This is how the first edition of the course Talking about Mites: Update Topics in Agricultural Acarology, Medical-Veterinary, and Biodiversity was carried out. This course was developed in virtual mode between May 12 and July 14, 2020, with a teaching staff made up of 20 prestigious Latin American acarologists and had more than 400 attendees from 18 countries, including Australia, Canada, Spain and Italy. This activity made it possible to make visible the great interest in different areas of Acarology, motivating us to organize the SLA Monthly Conference Cycle, enabling members and interested parties in the world of mites to access different topics of interest from the hand of referent acarologists. This SLA proposal is in full development.
The objective of the current Board of Directors is to continue strengthening ties with the partners of the SLA, from the promotion of an awareness about the importance of knowledge and the conservation of our biodiversity, for the benefit of our discipline and of future generations of acarologists. Likewise, an approach with the general public is sought, taking into account the impact that mites have on society.
We invite you to join in enriching this page.



(Period 2020-2024)

PRESIDENTE Ing. Agr. Marisa Elizabeth Regonat
SECRETARIA Dra. Edith Estrada Venegas
EX PRESIDENTE Dra. Denise Navia
VOCAL POR BOLIVIA Dr. Jaime Iván Rodríguez Fernández
VOCAL POR BRASIL Dr. Fernando De Castro Jacinavicius
VOCAL POR BRASIL Dr. Peterson Rodrigo Demite
VOCAL POR CHILE Tec. Agr. Roberto Trincado
VOCAL POR COLOMBIA Dra. Nora Cristina Mesa Cobo
VOCAL POR COSTA RICA Dr. Hugo Gerardo Aguilar Piedra
VOCAL POR CUBA Dr. Héctor Rodríguez Morell
VOCAL POR ECUADOR Dr. Carlos Alberto Ortega Ojeda
VOCAL POR MÉXICO Dra. Ma. Magdalena Vázquez González
VOCAL POR MÉXICO Dr. Ricardo Paredes León
VOCAL POR PANAMÁ Dr. Sergio Bermúdez
VOCAL POR PERÚ Dra. Sofía Jiménez Jorge
VOCAL POR REP. DOMINICANA Dra. Cristina Antonia Gómez Moyá
VOCAL POR URUGUAY Dr. José Manuel Venzal


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