The SLA August webinar will discuss “Fossil caeculid mites: their contributions to the systematics and phylogeny of the family”. Mag. Andrés Porta will be in charge of presenting updated information on the Caeculidae family, with an extensive fossil record, with the oldest described species coming from Myanmar amber (upper Cretaceous, age 99 Ma) and three other described species from other more recent amber deposits. In this presentation, the fossil record of this family will be reviewed and its importance in the development of phylogenetic hypotheses at intrafamilial and intrageneric levels (Procaeculus and Andocaeculus genera) will be shown using morphological and molecular data of current species.

Date: Thursday, August 31


                      19 hs: ARG/BRA/URY

                      18 hs: BOL/CHL (STGO)/CUB/DMA/PRY/VEN/USA

                      17 hs: COL/ECU/PAN/PER

                      16 hs: CRI/GTM/HND/MEX/NIC/SLV

                      24 hs: ESP/FRA/ITA

                      23 hs: RGB

Access to the webinar agosto

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