Dear partners, we share in the annex the Balance of what has been done by the current management of the Latin American Society of Acarology during the years 2020 and 2021. As the text is in Spanish, we mention the main points below:

In order to improve communication with partners and interested parties, as well as obtain greater visibility and coverage of the SLA, we work in the following communication channels:
– SLA Page: The official SLA website continued to fulfill its informative and reference role. Domain security has been improved. However, it was decided to remove the directory from the view to preserve data privacy. Soon we hope to improve accessibility by last name, contact information (email), specialty and country. On the other hand, the access to the data record was modified to associate:
– Facebook: The group “Sociedad Latinoamericana de Acarología – Oficial” was opened which has 1833 members to date:
– Messenger: application that allows direct communication widely used for queries about SLA activities or private disclosure.
– Instagram: @acarologialatinoamericana. It has 596 followers so far. Together with Facebook, they are powerful tools for the dissemination and communication of interests between associates and the general public. In addition, this application allows for private communication, facilitating personal interaction to resolve specific queries:

– E-mails: SLA has the institutional accounts and, but in addition different boxes were opened to improve contact with members:,,,, and those generated by SLA vowels. This has notably improved the dissemination of news and the handling of specific situations.
– YouTube: The free access channel of the Latin American Society of Acarology was inaugurated. Through it, live transmissions (streaming) of the SLA Conference Cycle are carried out, being an interesting tool, not only for dissemination, but also for interaction with invited experts. In addition, the channel has become an important audiovisual library, with valuable materials obtained from broadcasts, tutorials, tributes and interviews with SLA’s documental and historical references to Latin American Acarology. All these materials are a source of consultation not only for the members, but for the general public. Total visits to the channel from October 2020 to date: 5762 (Conference Cycle: 4069, Tributes: 1310 and others: 383):
– Application that allows, from a single link, access the official page, networks and an SLA contact email, as well as other sites of interest that are constantly being updated (events, database, etc.):
– Surveys: From the members’ registration form to the attendance forms for the various activities, a space for opinions and comments is provided. This information is constantly reviewed and both opinions and suggestions are considered to improve the benefits to members.
– WhatsApp: Application used for quick and direct communication, not only between work groups at work, but also between different acarological groups.

To update the data of the members and carry out new registrations, several forms were made available in the media and anchored on the SLA Page (Registration of New Members). This allowed us to obtain more complete information about our partners and create a database: Likewise, a space for opinion and comments has been included in the registration form (see point 1).

In order to organize the SLA activities calendar and provide members with the benefit of obtaining the certificate of assistance for the activities offered (with curricular value), from October 2020, the Even3 platform was used, completely free of charge for the use provided. During this period, it was used to access the SLA Conference Cycle. Members who signed up for this platform were given the option to choose the activity they wanted to attend. This registration, together with the verification of attendance to the chosen activity, allowed them to obtain a certificate of assistance: On the SLA channel, they have instructions to join the SLA and register on the platform:

Other information such as the number of current members (total and by country), webinars and courses given in the reported period, the Society’s participation in scientific events, honors, balance sheet and other administrative information, as well as some activities planned for this year, they are contained in the document issued by the Directorate, attached.

Balance 2020-2021 Sociedad Latinoamericana Acarologia