Estimados Socios SLA, compartimos la 3ª Circular del V CLAc.
Comisión Directiva (2025-2028)
JanEstimados Socios SLA,
Habiendo cumplido con el cargo de presidente de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Acarología para el período 2020-2024, lo cual fue un gran honor, les dejo estas palabras.
Esta gestión comenzó en plena pandemia por el COVID 19. En esas circunstancias, fue un gran desafío y una oportunidad para lograr un mayor afianzamiento como sociedad. Fue un período de mucho aprendizaje y de colaboración para cumplir con la meta de esta sociedad: promover la Acarología latinoamericana y llegar a todos, no solo al acarólogo, también al estudiante y al público en general. Para ello, la comunicación fue crucial, no solo para lograr mayor visibilidad y alcance, sino para detectar las necesidades e intereses de los Socios que luego se transformarían en diferentes actividades, abordando la Acarología a través sus distintas áreas de estudio y enfoques, y tratados por especialistas referentes y en formación. Así, se lograron productos interdisciplinarios de alta calidad y actualizados, con gran receptividad por parte de los Socios. Ese alcance, hoy, queda evidenciado con una SLA fortalecida con más 800 socios y más de 4000 seguidores en las redes, y en las constantes visitas al canal de la sociedad para ver o rever el material disponible.
Entre esas actividades se destacaron dos cursos Hablando de Ácaros -virtuales y de dos meses de duración que capacitaron cerca de 450 estudiantes-, cinco Ciclos de Conferencias SLA -33 emisiones donde tuvieron oportunidad de participar tanto investigadores como estudiantes-, y un taller sobre Raoiella indica (5 sesiones con la participación de 17 investigadores). Por otro lado, se llevó adelante el IV CLAc, en la Ciudad de Panamá, y se participó en numerosos eventos científicos internacionales promocionando la SLA. Asimismo, la SLA se integró a la Comisión para la Supervivencia de Especies (IUCN- SSC-MSG) como Grupo Especialista en Ácaros, cuya misión es incrementar los conocimientos taxonómicos, ecológicos y del estado de conservación de los ácaros promoviendo la conservación y protección de sus hábitats, globalmente.
Otro evento memorable y muy sentido, fue el reconocimiento, durante el VIII Sibac, a acarólogos de la talla del Dr. Carlos Flechtmann, Dr. Gilberto de Moraes y Dra. Anita Hoffmann (homenaje póstumo), por su destacada labor como promotores y Maestros de la Acarología latinoamericana.
Quiero agradecer, infinitamente, el esfuerzo y la colaboración de los numerosos investigadores y estudiantes que participaron de las actividades propuestas (Hablando de Ácaros, Ciclos, taller), así como a los Socios que acompañaron y aportaron con su interés. También, destaco y agradezco el trabajo incansable y profesional del grupo de soporte técnico (organización de actividades, difusión y transmisión), así como el de los Miembros de Junta Directiva que supieron acompañarme. Hago una mención especial para los familiares y amigos que ofrecieron su tiempo y su arte para colaborar con la SLA. Gracias por la confianza, respeto y demostraciones de afecto que siempre me brindaron.
Aprovecho la oportunidad para desearle al Dr. Daniel Carrillo y su equipo, el mayor de los éxitos en los nuevos desafíos. Tengo plena confianza en que la SLA seguirá avanzando para un mayor fortalecimiento de la Acarología latinoamericana y de las interacciones colaborativas.
Marisa Regonat
Dear SLA Members,
Thanking you for your participation in this electoral process to renew the Board of Directors of the Latin American Society of Acarology A.C., period 2025-2028, and congratulating the candidates elected to honorably occupy the vacant positions, we inform the list of the new administration that will begin to govern as of January 1, 2025.
We take this opportunity to wish you a HAPPY HOLIDAYS and a PROSPEROUS 2025.
Comisión Directiva
Sociedad Latinoamericana de Acarología, A.C.
DecDear all,
This Friday, December 20th at 6 pm (Argentina/Brazil) the last meeting of the Workshop on Raoiella indica, offered by the SLA, will be broadcast.
Speakers will be Drs. Denise Navia, Edith Estrada, Ronald Ochoa, Daniel Carrillo and José Carlos Verle.
Attend this broadcast at:
We are waiting for you!
We invite you to the last webinar offered by the SLA this year:
Prospecting and use of predatory mites in pest and parasite control
By Drs. Antonio Lofego (UNSP, Brazil), Marina Barbosa (Koppert Brazil) and Raphael Castilho (ESALQ/SPU, Brazil).
Time: 7 pm ARG/BRA (check local time)
Broadcast: https://www.
DecDear SLA Members,
We are pleased to inform you about the list of candidates to fill positions on the Board of Directors of the Latin American Society of Acarology A.C. 2024-2028.
The elections will take place from December 5 to 19 of this year.
In order to expedite the elections, the scheduled meeting with the candidates was omitted; however, a folder is available so that you can access all the information you need to get to know them. The available material includes: the list of candidates, the CVs of each one by position, recordings made by the candidates for the Presidency and the voting form.
Learn more about the candidates at: ACCEDA A CANDIDATOS
Voting form:
We thank you in advance for your commitment and participation in this event so important for the strengthening of our Society.
DecWe look forward to seeing you!
Dear SLA Members,
We share (attached) the list of names proposed to fill positions in the renewal of the Board of Directors of the Society.
We appreciate the interest and commitment shown in this act. The numerous proposals received are a reflection of the great growth and strengthening as a society, a product of your support, suggestions and participation in each activity proposed to promote Latin American Acarology. Thank you!
Those nominated on the list who do not wish to occupy the position for which they were nominated, must write to, excusing themselves from participating in the next elections as candidates, writing in SUBJECT: NAME and LAST NAME – I EXCUSE MYSELF FROM PARTICIPATING AS A CANDIDATE. In the body of the email, you must indicate the POSITION(S) for which you are excusing yourself. If the nominee accepts the position, he/she must send an updated CV for registration. Once this step is completed, your candidacy will be considered effective for the next SLA elections.
Deadline to challenge your candidacy: Saturday, November 30.
Due to the change in the date for receiving candidacies, the date for the presentation of the effective candidates for the Presidency to the SLA Members will be announced by email after the challenge period.
NovDr. María Carolina Silva de la Puente, President of the Organizing Committee of the V Latin American Congress of Acarology to be held in Curicó, Chile, from October 21 to 25, 2025, sends us the Second Circular. It provides information, among other items, on the topics of the Congress, the dates for sending suggestions for Symposia, Pre-Congress Courses and contributions to be presented in oral or poster format, information for sponsors and registration fees.
You can access the Second Circular at the link. We look forward to seeing you!
NovDear SLA Members, the deadline for submitting applications for President, Secretary, Administrative Director and Members has been extended until November 20, therefore the remaining dates listed in the message below will be modified.
Dear SLA Members,
In accordance with the provisions of the Statute of the Latin American Society of Acarology A.C. (Art. 30 subsection d; Art. 45), the process of renewal of the positions of the Board of Directors begins: President, Secretary, Administrative Director and Members, for the period 2024-2028.
The proposed schedule is as follows:
November 5-17: Proposal of Candidates to fill the different positions. Any member can propose Candidates they wish by sending an email to, explaining the reasons. Then, the Board of Directors contacts the Candidates to notify them and find out if they agree to the application for the proposed position.
November 18-21: Reception of the Candidates’ CVs.
24/11: Disclosure of applications to SLA Members, via e-mail and the website
24 to 27/11: challenges, queries, etc. (sending an e-mail to this address)
27/11: Presentation of candidates. Online transmission closed to SLA Members.
27/11 to 17/12: Opening of the Elections (via electronic form that will be available on the website and will be provided via e-mail).
19/12 Publication of the results.
20/12: Beginning of management of the new Board of Directors.
In order to facilitate the proposals of candidates, we request that the following conditions be considered by the candidate:
– Being an SLA Member must have at least 3 (three) years of membership.
– Responsibility to fulfill the position for which he/she will be proposed.
– Availability of hours to fulfill the relevant responsibilities of the position.
– Scientifically active.
Hoping to count on your commitment and responsibility, we send you our cordial greetings.
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