Dear SLA partners,
We invite you to participate in the 4th session of the Workshop on Raoiella indica. On this occasion, we will learn about the experience of Brazil and Colombia with the plague, through the hands of distinguished professionals and researchers.
In this month’s Latin American Society of Acarology webinar, Dr. Lucia Montes Ortiz (Chetumal Technological Institute, Mexico) will speak about the diversity and ecological importance of aquatic mites in all epicontinental ecosystems. Its taxonomy and ecology, potential as bioindicators and relationship with disease vectors will be discussed, as well as the current panorama of research on aquatic mites in Mexico.
We invite you to the first session of the Raoiella indica Workshop, 20 years after its arrival to the American continent.
In this session, Dr. Edith Estrada Venegas will present the workshop and then Dr. Jorge E. Peña (University of Florida, USA) will discuss the topic How to prepare for the invasion of Raoiella indica: Example of a work team.
Date: August 23
Time: 6 pm ARG/BRA/URU (check local time)
Broadcast: SLA Channel
To obtain a certificate of attendance you must be a member of the SLA, register for the WORKSHOP, attend the five meetings (August-December) and complete the attendance form that will be provided at each meeting.
To become a member of the SLA, REGISTER here.
The VIII National Congress of Ecology and Biology of Soil (CONEBIOS VIII) is approaching in Balcarce, Argentina. We share the third circular with all the information.
We invite you to the Raoeilla indica Workshop 20 years after its arrival to the American Continent.
During five meetings (August, September, October, November and December) the most prominent researchers of the continent on the subject will be sharing relevant information on different aspects such as distribution, biology and behavior, dispersion, natural enemies, host plants, and management campaigns, among others.
The activity aimed at Students, plant protection professionals, government institutions, and the general public.
Program: attached
Dates: August (23), September (20), October (25), November (22) and December (20)
Time: 18.00 hours ARG/BRA/URU
Organizer: Edith G. Estrada Venegas.
IMPORTANT: SLA members who wish to obtain a certificate of attendance at the workshop must register at Taller Raoiella and attend all meetings (attendance form).
We invite you to the July 2024 SLA Webinar “Aquatic mites of South America: state of the art and perspectives” by Dr. Luiz Castro (Professor of Basic Education and independent researcher, Brazil). It will take place on July 25 from 7:00 p.m. Arg/Bra/Uru (adjust to local time). You can follow it at
SLA members remember that to obtain a certificate, you must register for the activity by accessing
If you are not yet a member, you can register at
The Laboratory of Acarology and Associated Pathogens (LAPA) of the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil, offers OPEN VACANCIES FOR MASTER’S AND DOCTORAL DEGREES in Medical and Veterinary Acarology.
Those interested must send their undergraduate or master’s academic record and CV Latte to the email: (Prof. Dr. Fernando Jacinavicius)
Within the framework of the VIII SIBAC, held from June 23 to 26 in San Luis, Maranhão, the Latin American Society of Acarology held a well-deserved tribute ceremony to outstanding Latin American acarologists. On this occasion, tribute was paid to the professional career and training capacity of new acarologists, contributing to the development of Latin American Acarology, to Drs. Carlos Fletchmann and Gilberto de Moraes. Likewise, a posthumous tribute was made to Dr. Anita Hoffmann, as a pioneer of Latin American Acarology.
The celebration began with some emotional words from the current president of the SLA, Eng. Marisa Regonat, and was then followed by Dr. Denise Navia, who gave some heartfelt words to those honored. The presentation of plaques was in charge of Professor Dr. Antonio Carlos Lofego, Dr. Sofia Jiménez, and Dr. Edith Estrada Venegas, who with great respect and affection, highlighted the work of each of the honorees. The plaques were donated by Dr. Ronald Ochoa, whom we thank. The brief ceremony during the opening of the VIII SIBAC was very emotional, being the first time that the SLA has carried out this type of tribute. Dr. Fletchmann had already been honored by the SLA, through visual material available on the Society’s channel. The SLA had the collaboration of the President of the VIII SIBAC, Dr. Esther Acevedo, and its organizing committee.
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