On December 28 of last year, Dr. Daniel González-Acuña, Veterinarian and professor at the Veterinary School of the University of Concepción in Chile, left us. Daniel was a brilliant researcher who stood out as a parasitologist and because of his passion for nature, being a promoter in the conservation of it. He graduated in 1988 as a veterinarian from the University of Concepción, and did his doctoral studies at the Hannover University of Veterinary Medicine in Germany. In his doctoral thesis he studied the endo and ectoparasites of Chilean birds, ending in 1997. Upon his return to Chile, he obtained a teaching position at the University of Concepción as professor of Zoology at the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, in Chillán. In 2012 he obtained the category of full professor at the same university. Daniel was known for spreading the enthusiasm for research to his more than 100 undergraduate and graduate students, many of whom continued down the path of science. He was also a passionate nature photographer as well as a mountaineer. As a result of his dedication to research, Dr. González-Acuña was the author of more than 300 publications including scientific papers, books, and book chapters. His work has been widely recognized both in his country and internationally. As for acarology, Daniel leaves us a great legacy, since of the 65 species described by him for science, 39 correspond to mites and five to ticks. Dr. González-Acuña was one of the great contemporary parasitologists, not because of his work in Chile, but in South America. Daniel, your colleagues and friends say goodbye to you with great affection, admiration, a great memory that will remain forever.
Ésta epidemia, ha dejado las huellas más dolorosas en pérdidas como la de éste colega, como muchas otras víctimas de nuestra comunidad científica y defensa de la justicia sanitaria y ambiental y seguiría… Es increíble cómo pasa a carcajadas la vida terrenal, devastando sin piedad. Vosotros, quienes pudieron compartir con él,un lapsus, tienen memoria de apoyo, porque vive aún más en uds., qué maravilla la memoria y cuánto conocimiento compartió con toda la comunidad. Dejo mis mejores deseos, y un gran aplauso como mereces grandes personajes que ahora nos rodean desde otra esencia energética.