Dear SLA Members, the deadline for submitting applications for President, Secretary, Administrative Director and Members has been extended until November 20, therefore the remaining dates listed in the message below will be modified.
Dear SLA Members,
In accordance with the provisions of the Statute of the Latin American Society of Acarology A.C. (Art. 30 subsection d; Art. 45), the process of renewal of the positions of the Board of Directors begins: President, Secretary, Administrative Director and Members, for the period 2024-2028.
The proposed schedule is as follows:
November 5-17: Proposal of Candidates to fill the different positions. Any member can propose Candidates they wish by sending an email to, explaining the reasons. Then, the Board of Directors contacts the Candidates to notify them and find out if they agree to the application for the proposed position.
November 18-21: Reception of the Candidates’ CVs.
24/11: Disclosure of applications to SLA Members, via e-mail and the website
24 to 27/11: challenges, queries, etc. (sending an e-mail to this address)
27/11: Presentation of candidates. Online transmission closed to SLA Members.
27/11 to 17/12: Opening of the Elections (via electronic form that will be available on the website and will be provided via e-mail).
19/12 Publication of the results.
20/12: Beginning of management of the new Board of Directors.
In order to facilitate the proposals of candidates, we request that the following conditions be considered by the candidate:
– Being an SLA Member must have at least 3 (three) years of membership.
– Responsibility to fulfill the position for which he/she will be proposed.
– Availability of hours to fulfill the relevant responsibilities of the position.
– Scientifically active.
Hoping to count on your commitment and responsibility, we send you our cordial greetings.
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