We invite you to the November webinar:

“Ácaros Mesostigmata de vida parásita de la Argentina”.
The meeting will be coordinated by Dr. Marcela Lareschi from the Ectoparasite Laboratory, Center for Parasitological and Vector Studies (CEPAVE) (CONICET-UNLP), who together with her team of graduate students (Mag. Mario Virgilio Espinoza Carniglia, Dra. Mara Urdapilleta, Med. Vet. Mauricio Ezequiel Melis, Mag. Ekaterina Savchenko and Med. Vet. Valeria Vanesa Corbalán), will tell us about the studies being carried out in the CEPAVE Ectoparasites Laboratory, which are part of the PhDs theses in progress or completed in the current year. The studies refer to the systematic, evolutionary, ecological and/or epidemiological aspects of mites associated with wild and synanthropic rodents and poultry.
Date: 30 de noviembre
16hs: Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras
17hs: Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Panama
18hs: Bolivia, Chile, Cuba, Rep. Dominicana
19hs: Argentina, Brazil (Brasilia), Uruguay
SLA members remember to register in the activity (SLA Activities linktr.ee.slacarologia) to obtain your certificate of attendance.
We are waiting for you!